Santa Encounters: Courtney Q., Age 5, Newtown, Connecticut
I asked my niece, Courtney about Saint Nick. Children easily have the most charming perspective on the jolly fat man. What can you tell me about Santa Claus? He’s nice. I wanted to stay up all night Christmas Eve and go out into the living room whenever I heard something, but I fell asleep before then. Do you want to meet him? Yeah. What would you say if you met him? Hi. Anything else? No. Would you ever want to go on a ride on his sleigh? Yeah. I’d go to the North Pole with him. I want to see the elves’ ears and meet the reindeer. Do your parents ever tell you better behave around December because Santa is coming? Yeah. My mom always says that after Christmas too, for next year, and because me and my brother always fight a lot. But I never listen to her. I just ignore her and fight with my brother more. Until December and then you get your act together? Why do you do that? Because then Santa will come. You know all of this is going to be published, right? Yeah. Santa may read this and see that you’re only good for one month of the year. Really? …Really? …I’m good all year. I don’t really fight that much.