Jeff Belanger

30 Odd Minutes Missions

30 Odd Minutes Missions

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 12 – 30 Odd Minutes – Crop Circles with Freddy Silva

In Episode Twelve we talk crop circles with author and lecturer, Freddy Silva. Silva is the author of the best-selling book, Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles, he’s been a guest on the History Channel and Discovery Channel discussing earth mysteries and sacred spaces, and tonight he makes his debut on 30 Odd Minutes. Don’t miss a “live” field report from Matt Moniz in the Hockomock Swamp. Is Bigfoot still lurking? Tune in to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will find it… but only by sheer accident.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 11 – 30 Odd Minutes – Parapsychology with Loyd Auerbach

In Episode Eleven we talk parapsychology with “Professor Paranormal” Loyd Auerbach. We discuss some of his favorite haunts including the USS Hornet and the Moss Beach Distillery in California, plus we meet Loyd’s demon cat! You also don’t want to miss our first musical guest and fellow paranormal investigator, Carlston “Chops” Wood and the Oddball Jam. Plus a “live” field report from Andrew Lake. Is spoon bending becoming a pandemic? Watch to find out! (Please forgive a few audio gremlins who plagued us in this episode — think of them as croutons in the salad that is our show.) If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will find it… but only by sheer accident.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 10 – 30 Odd Minutes – Derby Gaol with Richard Felix

(Aired August 27, 2009) In Episode Ten we come to you live from a cell in the haunted Derby Gaol in Derby, England. We talk the history and the haunts with author, historian, and lecturer, Richard Felix. Perhaps best known for his role on the television show, Most Haunted, we talk about Richard’s paranormal experiences in the Gaol and his views on what exactly is a ghost. Don’t miss 30 Odd Second with Keith Johnson of N.E.A.R. and an amazing paranormal clip of the week with Ron Kolek of the New England Ghost Project. Do ghosts have a sense of humor? Tune in to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will find it… but only by sheer accident.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 8.5 – 30 Odd Minutes – When Live TV Goes Wrong

(Aired August 20, 2009) Yup, each episode of 30 Odd Minutes is filmed LIVE. Sometimes it’s magic, sometimes it’s tragic, but it’s always exciting from our end. This episode may have been cursed. We couldn’t get our main guest, Salem Witch Christian Day, on until the show was half-over, our audio connection wasn’t working with the Starborn Support twins, Deb and Audrey Hewins, but somehow we pushed our way through to 30 very odd minutes. Sure we could have buried this episode so only those watching live would have seen it, but we figured, we’re letting it all hang out anyway. Nothing like a rocky night to force you to learn a few things. Wanna watch us squirm? Check out this episode!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 8 – 30 Odd Minutes – Demons and Exorcism

In Episode Eight, we come to you live from our studios in hell. We talk demons, possession, and exorcism with demonologist, Adam Blai. Blai brings a background in psychology and a lot of experience with demonic cases to the interview. He talks about some of the signs of possession and what he’s personally witnessed. We also have some compelling Bigfoot evidence taken by Jason Lorefice of Paranormal Investigators of New England in Hockomock Swamp in Massachusetts. And don’t miss our One Question Interview with Lee Ann from the Lizzie Borden House. Can you roast marshmallows in hell? Watch to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will only find it by sheer accident. Click on the video below to watch.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

More Paranormal Radio

I’ve blogged this before, but man-oh-man there’s a lot of paranormal radio out there. The good news is that the content is popular, and a lot of people feel they have something to say on the topic. The technology is such that anyone can start a new Internet radio show on ghosts with no money or experience necessary. The downside is that the field can get watered down with inferior content. I still believe that cream will rise to the top, and that the quality shows will find their audience. I’ve been involved with the Spooky Southcoast radio show for some time now. Roughly once per month I join them in the studio as a guest co-host. It’s a great experience for me to ask the questions instead of being the interview subject. Spooky Southcoast is a show that broadcasts from a real, terrestrial radio station (WBSM), streams online live, and then offers their show for podcast download after. It’s the trifecta that frequent radio guests seek because you know there’s an audience out there listening. My hat is off to Tim, Matt, and Matt for working hard at what they do, bringing great guests on their show, and hanging in there for years doing their thing. See you on the radio!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, Blah Blah Blog, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 7 – 30 Odd Minutes – UFOs and National Security

(Aired August 6, 2009) In Episode Seven, we explore the crafts and creatures that might be visiting us from distant galaxies. Author and historian, Richard M. Dolan joins us to discuss his new book, UFOs and the National Security State: The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991. Dolan brings along some very compelling UFO photos and discusses the implication of these visitations on our national security. You’ll also hear about host, Jeff Belanger’s sighting from 1987. Adam Julius from the Midwest/Minnesota Paranormal Society also pops in to show us a ghostly photo his group captured in Colfax Cemetery for our “Paranormal Clip of the Week.” Is that a flying saucer caught on tape during the filming of this episode? Watch to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will only find it by sheer accident.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 6 – Paranormal Comedy

I’m having more fun with this each week. I feel like this was our best show yet. Our next challege is to make a few more technical adjustments and then start incorporating the new skits and ideas we have for future shows. Keep watching! In Episode Six, we explore lighter side of the unexplained with paranormal comedian, Mike Brody from his home in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Jeff Belanger and his guest quip about ghosts, UFOs, cryptozoology, and learn that it’s okay to laugh at the paranormal. Don’t miss our “One Question Interview” with a Ouija Board, and we hear from Jeffrey Gonzalez of the Sanger Paranormal Society who shows us a possible Bigfoot photograph in our “Paranormal Clip of the Week.” Should you be worried about the artifacts in 30 Odd Minutes crewmember Matt Moniz’s yard? Watch to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will only find it by sheer accident.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 5 – Developing Your Psychic Ability

I think we’re getting better every time. One bummer with this episode is that a couple of emails were sent around suggesting I was disrespectful to the subject matter and/or the guest. To be clear, I’m always willing to make fun of myself. And I’m always willing to poke light at each of the subjects we cover (it’s all “odd,” and if we can’t laugh at it, we’ll never come close to understanding it), but not at the expense of the guest. The point is to have fun with the paranormal, folks. But I also understand we can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. The show just isn’t for everybody. But I definitely have nothing but respect for our guests. In Episode five, we talk about developing your psychic ability with author and psychic, Tiffany Johnson based out of Minnesota. While Jeff Belanger makes a fool of himself and his lack of psychic ability, Tiffany discusses her new book, Picture Yourself Developing Your Psychic Ability, and the many ways we can tune in to the psychic parts of ourselves. Don’t miss our “One Question Interview” with Jason Hawes from Ghost Hunters, and our paranormal clip of the week from a haunted battlefield in Virginia. Does Jeff receive the “sign” he’s seeking? Watch to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will only find it by sheer accident.

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Episode 4 – Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP)

Man… we were so close but couldn’t get Skype to cooperate for our guest. Definitely making improvements each time and looking forward to doing the next one in two weeks.  In Episode four, we talk about Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) with Mark and Debby Constantino, EVP specialists based out of Nevada. They share some of their amazing audio recordings and talk about their work. Don’t miss our “One Question Interview” with demonologist John Zaffis, and our paranormal clip of the week featuring an EVP captured on video camera. Do we make contact in our live EVP session in the studio? Does Mark and Debby make contact at the grave of a famous American businessman? Watch to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will only find it by sheer accident.

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