Jeff Belanger's Media Room
Dive into Jeff Belanger’s world of storytelling, the paranormal, and beyond. This media room is your one-stop resource for press materials, interviews, photos, and videos showcasing Jeff’s work as an author, speaker, and television personality. Whether you’re covering a story or exploring his fascinating career, you’ll find everything you need right here.

Media Experience
Jeff Belanger has been featured in hundreds of television, radio, podcast, and print interviews. A natural storyteller, he makes the fringe accessible to a wide audience, and brings a lot of personality to the subjects he covers. Whether describing his adventures in Africa or South America, or commenting on the latest paranormal pop culture trend, Jeff is ready to weigh in on the weird. You can read his full bio here.
How Do You Pronounce It?
In the United States, Jeff pronounces his name: Buh-LAN-jer.
In France or Canada, he pronounces it like the locals: Bey-lawn-ZHAY.