(Aired August 27, 2009) In Episode Ten we come to you live from a cell in the haunted Derby Gaol in Derby, England. We talk the history and the haunts with author, historian, and lecturer, Richard Felix. Perhaps best known for his role on the television show, Most Haunted, we talk about Richard’s paranormal experiences in the Gaol and his views on what exactly is a ghost. Don’t miss 30 Odd Second with Keith Johnson of N.E.A.R. and an amazing paranormal clip of the week with Ron Kolek of the New England Ghost Project. Do ghosts have a sense of humor? Tune in to find out! If the truth is out there… 30 Odd Minutes will find it… but only by sheer accident.
I thoroughly enjoyed your interview on Coast-to-Coast, but every time the host mispronounced your last name, I just cringed. I’m from Essex County, lots of Canucks on both sides of my family. Belanger is a very old French name…So, could you please tell these people how it is really pronouned. And as for the 5 places you mentioned, I have heard of them all…very nice and creepy.