Communicating With the Dead: Reach Beyond the Grave
by Jeff Belanger

Communicating with the Dead is an objective and journalistic journey into the history and practice of spirit communication devices. Practitioners, scientists, clergy, and psychics all weigh in on the various means and materials used to make contact with the spirit world.
Methods covered include:
- Talking Boards-better known by the brand name Ouija Board, the historic and esoteric impact this enigmatic device has made is significant. Is it really just a game?
- Tarot Cards-what began as a card game for royalty centuries ago has evolved into a spiritual system that can be used for divination.
- Dowsing Rods-originally used to find underground water sources, some believe the rods can tap into supernatural energies.
- Runes-based on an ancient northern European alphabet, Runecasters believe they are communicating directly with the gods.
- Mirror Gazing-by staring into a clear optical depth, some believe we can peer into the spirit world.
- Spirit Photography-almost as soon as the camera was invented, photographers began to discover strange, ghostly images in their pictures. Some were frauds, others believe they made genuine contact…and have the pictures to prove it!
- Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP)-a practice that is gaining ground with paranormal investigators. Using modern recording devices, some disembodied voices are being captured on tape.
March 2005
ISBN 978-1564147936
New Page Books
U.S. $15.99
256 pages