Jeff Belanger

30 Odd Minutes Missions

30 Odd Minutes Missions

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 122 – The UFO Singularity with Micah Hanks

In Mission 122 we explore The UFO Singularity with author, researcher, and founder, Micah Hanks. We ask the questions: Could it be that our technological leaps of the last century are due in part to some outside influences? Are these leaps accelerating, and if so, where will it lead humanity and our planet, and when? Dr. Dreck stops by to blow a hole in the Mother Ship, and don’t miss UFOs over Massachusetts in the news!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 121 – American Folklore with S.E. Schlosser

In Mission 121 we explore American Folklore with author S.E. Scholosser! Stories are how we connect and relate to other people and with our past, but are they more than just stories? We discuss classic legends like John Henry, Robert Johnson selling his soul to the devil, The Hook, and more. Schlosser is the author of the Spooky series of books and the founder of Also, Dr. Dreck tries his hand at the teleporter again and someone new shows up on the Mother Ship–tune in to see it!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 120 – Haunted San Francisco with Jeff Dwyer

In Mission 120 we set the Mother Ship down in San Francisco to explore the haunts of the city by the Bay with author and paranormal investigator Jeff Dwyer! We discuss Dwyer’s book: Ghost Hunter’s Guide to San Francisco Bay Area, and we visit some of his favorite haunts like: Alcatraz, Fort Point, the Winchester Mystery House, Brookdale Lodge, and More. Don’t miss flowers on Mars and a giant squid in the news, plus Dwyer shares some ghost photos that will blow your mind!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 118 – Zombie Advocate Greg Lawson

In Mission 118 we explore the zombie apocalypse with author and career lawman Greg Lawson. We ask the tough questions like: what constitutes life? What constitutes death? And: What constitutes undeath? Our guest is a former homicide detective who has compiled a comprehensive and concise manual to explain the physical and mental challenges faced by the undead. His book is called: Zombie Advocacy. Dr. Dreck stops by with an important public service announcement, and don’t miss the U.S. government’s secret plans to blow up the moon in the news!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 117 – The Real Exorcist Case with Thomas B. Allen

In Mission 117 we explore the real case of demonic possession behind William Peter Blatty’s horror masterpiece, The Exorcist. Author and researcher Thomas B. Allen obtained a copy of the priest’s diary that was kept during the 1949 exorcism of a boy dubbed “Robbie Doe” that reads like a horror novel. Allen used that diary to write his book: Possessed. We discuss what happened, how it differs from the famous movie, and what happened to Robbie Doe after his exorcisms. We also apologize for the poor audio quality on this mission–the Mother Ship must have hit a solar storm that interfered with the transmission. Don’t miss UFOs over Denver in the news and Dr. Dreck’s own possession!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 116 – LIVE from the Haunted Stanley Hotel

In Mission 116 the Mother Ship set down this past weekend as part of the Darkness Radio “End of Days” event at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, Colorado. We talked about the hotel that inspired Stephen King to write The Shining, and we met with some of the speakers including: Dave Schrader, Mark Anthony, Bill Chappell, Chris Fleming, Billy Tolley, and Aaron Goodwin!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 114 – The Origins of the Devil with Corvis Nocturnum

In Mission 114 we set the Mother Ship down into the fiery depths of hell to discuss the origins of the Devil. From ancient archetypes to modern-day influence, this figure has been portrayed in many ways. He’s in music, art, popular culture, and of course in religion. Our guest, Corvis Nocturnum is a Satanist, and author of the book: I Lucifer: Exploring the Archetype and Origins of the Devil. After you see this will you have sympathy for the devil? Tune in to find out!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 113 – LIVE From Wareham’s Haunted History Night

In Mission 113 the Mother Ship descends on Wareham, Massachusetts, at Haunted History Night 2012! The crew set the ship down in front of the haunted Fearing Tavern, then discuss the ghosts and haunts with Carolyn McMorrow from the Wareham Historical Society. Author Tim Weisberg stops by to talk about his paranormal evidence, then psychic medium Stephanie Burke conducts an old-time Victorian-era table-tipping séance with Matt and Andrew. Don’t miss Dr. Dreck! Does the ghost of disintegrated Oddball Sarah make an appearance? Tune in to find out!

30 Odd Minutes
30 Odd Minutes Missions, News, Views, & Interviews

Mission 112 – LIVE from the Central Texas Paranormal Conference

In Mission 112, the Mother Ship heads to Austin, Texas, for the 2012 Central Texas Paranormal Conference. We abduct a panel of speakers that includes: Britt Griffith from SyFy’s Ghost Hunters, Shelley Wade from RIPcrew, Rev. Robert Hall, Past Life Reader Bettina Perkins, and Zombie Advocate Greg Lawson! Since we’re in Texas, we go Chupacabra hunting… but do we find it? Tune in to find out!

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